Home Blog Ten facts about depression. Some may surprise you.

Ten facts about depression. Some may surprise you.

Depression is, we are told, one of the commonest medical illnesses globally.

As a medical doctor with over thirty years experience, I am aware that much myth, mystery and misinformation surrounds what we have come to call “depression”.

In the pdf that accompanies this blog, I set out ten facts about depression. Many – perhaps most – of these facts are not commonly understood as facts in relation to depression. This is primarily due to the fact that misinformation has regrettably been regularly churned out regarding depression for over 40 years, a pattern that needs to stop.

By becoming aware of the real facts in relation to depression, you will (a) empower yourself regarding your own understanding, and (b) help towards changing the weight of information regarding depression towards truth, simply be becoming aware of these truth and, if and when feels appropriate, discussing these truths and facts with others.

To access these ten facts about depression, simply sign up to my mental health newsletter (you can unsubscribe any time you wish) through the form below, and you will have immediate access to the “ten facts” pdf.

Ten facts about depression.

Ten little-known facts about depression.

Some of them will surprise you.

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