Tag Archives: mental health
Black Friday/Cyber Monday – 50 % off all courses until midnight Monday 27th November 2017
50% discount on all courses up to midnight on Monday 27th November 2017:
As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach later this week, I am making all of my mental health courses available at 50% discount until midnight on Cyber Monday – 27th November 2017.
Here are links to the course details and 50% discounts:
Depression: Its True Nature – Depression, true nature, gen public, 50% discount until Mon 27th Nov 2017
Bipolar Disorder: Cracking the Code – Bipolar disorder, cracking code, gen public: 50% discount until Mon 27th Nov 2017
Working Therapeutically with People with a Psychiatric Diagnosis: – WTWPWAPD course, MH Prof: 50% discount until Mon 27th November 2017
Depression: Its True Nature – Depression, true nature: MH prof, 50% discount until Mon 27th Nov 2017
Bipolar disorder: Cracking the Code – Bipolar disorder, cracking code, MH Prof: 50% discount until 27th Nov 2017
If you have any questions or need clarification about theses courses, email me at terry@doctorterrylynch.com
Selfhood affirmations – free download
How we talk to ourselves really matters
Many of us slip into habits regarding our ongoing inner conversation – how we talk to ourselves.
If our inner conversation is predominantly self-critical, self-judging, putting ourselves down all the time, then changing how we see and talk to ourselves is a helpful step. If this is you, then I strongly recommend that you commit to changing how you talk to and relate to yourself.
Download my “Selfhood Affirmations”
– taken directly from my book Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems – and employ them as I suggest within the download.
This Selfhood Affirmations download contains two and a half pages of affirmations, affirmations that I carefully constructed over several months as I was writing Selfhood.
Another way to use affirmations is to record them, in your own voice, and listen back to the affirmations.
REMEMBER: You don’t gave to believe the contents of the affirmations for them to work.
Persistence is key! Make the changes I suggest, make them part of your day, your life.
Dr. Terry Lynch speaking at the The Health Zone, Limerick, September 2016.
The Health Zone is a positive health initiative originating from University College, Cork, Ireland. In September 2016, The Health Zone held its first meeting in Limerick, at which I was an invited speaker.
“Towards emotional and psychological maturity” was the theme of the evening. I build my talk around that theme, and around a related and important issue, the need for a new era in mental health.
Ten facts about depression. Some may surprise you.
Depression is, we are told, one of the commonest medical illnesses globally.
As a medical doctor with over thirty years experience, I am aware that much myth, mystery and misinformation surrounds what we have come to call “depression”.
In the pdf that accompanies this blog, I set out ten facts about depression. Many – perhaps most – of these facts are not commonly understood as facts in relation to depression. This is primarily due to the fact that misinformation has regrettably been regularly churned out regarding depression for over 40 years, a pattern that needs to stop.
By becoming aware of the real facts in relation to depression, you will (a) empower yourself regarding your own understanding, and (b) help towards changing the weight of information regarding depression towards truth, simply be becoming aware of these truth and, if and when feels appropriate, discussing these truths and facts with others.
To access these ten facts about depression, simply sign up to my mental health newsletter (you can unsubscribe any time you wish) through the form below, and you will have immediate access to the “ten facts” pdf.
It’s official: Psychiatric diagnoses are NOT known brain disorders
According to the prevailing global view of mental health, psychiatric diagnoses – depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, personality disorders etc – are fundamentally brain disorders.
In a ten-minute video, I address this belief. The truth may surprise you.
Access the video by signing up to my newsletter updates (you can unsubscribe at any time)through the form below.
Confused public perception of medical mental health doctors, including psychiatrists
The public have a skewed perception of the medical doctors who are generally seen as expert in mental health – psychiatrists and GPs, or family physicians. While there are some exceptions, in general, the perception that most people have of medical doctors as THE foremost experts in mental health is, regrettably, incorrect.
This is one of the many mental health topics I discuss in my blog, books and courses. If you would like to receive my posts, subscribe to my newsletter through the form at the end of this blog (you can unsubscribe at any time), and immediately receive a short video in which I discuss this surprising reality.
Best wishes,
Drug companies abandon psychiatry
Did you know that many major drug companies have either ceased their involvement in psychiatric research altogether or considerably reduced their involvement?
This is not a development that reflects well on psychiatry, which is why it has received so little publicity.
But it is a profoundly significant development, for a number of reasons. Not many years ago, psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry were cosy bedfellows, “partners”.
Not any more.
I wrote about this development, why it has happened, and its major significance, in my 2015 book Depression Delusion: The Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance, foreword by Robert Whitaker.
To receive a free extract about this major development, subscribe to my newsletter updates through the form at the end of this blog. You can unsubscribe any time you like.
Best wishes,
Dr. Terry Lynch.
Physician; psychotherapist; best-selling mental health author; provider of recovery-oriented mental health service; member of Expert Group on Mental Health Policy (2003-6) that formulated A Vision for Change, Ireland’s official mental health policy document.
Psychiatry’s precarious position – between a rock and a hard place
What exactly is psychiatry’s place in the world of mental health?
Proponents of mainstream psychiatry – including the majority of psychiatrists and GPs – have for over 50 years persuaded both themselves and the majority of the general public that psychiatry’s place at the pinnacle of the mental health pyramid is entirely justified.
But, is psychiatry’s “expert” position in mental health really justified?
Actually, if the truth be told, psychiatry occupies a very precarious position, sitting somewhere between neurology and neurosurgery on one side, the medical specialities that treat known brain disorders, and the various so-called “talking therapies” on the other side. Maintaining this position into the future greatly depends upon the general public continuing to be misled regarding psychiatry’s actual position and place in mental health.
Between a rock and a hard place: psychiatry’s actual position in mental health
If you would like to understand psychiatry’s actual position, and the great deception of the general public that has been going for decades regarding psychiatry’s position, download a FREE extract from my 2015 book, Depression Delusion: the Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance – foreword by Robert Whitaker, described as “truly remarkable” by psychologist Dr. Phil Hickey in his review of this book on the Mad in America website in 2015 – simply by subscribing to my newsletter updates at the end of this blog (from which you can unsubscribe at any time).
Best wishes,
Dr. Terry Lynch,
physician, psychotherapist, author, recovery-oriented mental health provider
https://doctorterrylynch.com/ info@doctorterrylynch.com
Just launched! – my online course, “Depression, its true nature: A comprehensive course for mental health practitioners”.
I am delighted to announce the launch of my first major online mental health course, “Depression, its true nature: A comprehensive course for mental health practitioners”.
Here is a link to full information about the course, including a 9-minute information video – http://goo.gl/Jj05XZ
This course is directed primarily towards mental health practitioners of all disciplines, including psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, social workers, psychiatric nurses, social care workers, peer support workers, and those involved in the education of mental health practitioners in all disciplines.
As I see it, mental health practitioners of all disciplines have a key role to play in the necessary changes, but they need to be properly informed and empowered. This is a fundamental intention of mine, in creating this course, and future courses regarding other psychiatric diagnoses such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.
There are 3 sections in this course – 1. The prevailing view; 2. A critique of the prevailing view; and 3. Depression, its true nature.
This course can, I believe, contribute in no small way to restoring truth and accurate understanding, and with these, to the enhancement of hope and recovery.
Please share, thank you!
Best wishes,
Dr. Terry Lynch,
Physician, psychotherapist, mental health author.
Depression, its true nature: A comprehensive course for mental health practitioners: http://goo.gl/Jj05XZ (click link for information and summary video of course).