About Black Friday and Cyber Monday:
Traditionally, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving falls annually on the fourth Thursday in November, and the following day has become widely known as Black Friday.
Being the first day after the last major American holiday before Christmas, Black Friday has unofficially become known as the unofficial beginning of the Christmas shopping season.
The common use of the term ‘Black Friday’ dates back to 1966, when Philadelphia police used this term to describe the major traffic jams and overcrowding in stores that occurred on the day after Thanksgiving. The term ‘Cyber Monday’ was first coined in 2005. It is traditionally the first Monday after Thanksgiving.
In 2018, Black Friday occurs on November 23rd and Cyber Monday happens the following Monday, November 26th.
Traditionally, Black Friday refers to instore prices reductions and Cyber Monday to online reductions.
My courses, 50% price reduction:
In keeping with the spirit of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, all of my courses are available at a 50% price reduction between now and the end of November 2018.
But first, some of my credentials:
Official appointments:

Some of the talks I have given:

And some testimonials:

Now, back to my mental health courses:
My courses, 50% price reduction:
30-day no quibble money-back guarantee applies to all courses.
Continuing professional development (CPD) applies to my courses for mental health professionals.
Courses for the general public:
1. Depression: Its True Nature:
This is a comprehensive course on depression, setting out a far more extensive understanding of the experiences and behaviours that come to be collectively referred to as ‘depression’ than the prevailing medical understanding.
Here is a link to the full course information and 50% price reduction: Depression, its true nature (general public).
Some testimonials from people who have undertaken this course:
Carole: “I am blown away with what I have learned so far.”
John: “Fantastic course, brings enlightenment to a very confused profession!”.
Natalie: “It is the most fruitful course I ever did in my life. Thank you for being honest, you gave me hope for humanity.”
Margaret: “Absolutely superb; really helped me sort out the misinformation I have amassed over the years. I am enjoying your course on depression so much. It is giving me an understanding that I have never had before even with constantly reading and researching on mental ill-health.”
David: This is excellent. Great work Terry, thanks”.
Andrea: “Most interesting”.
Anne: “I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart . . . This course has been tremendously helpful in understanding my child and myself. And I have downloaded it and will refer back to it over time. And treasure the contents of this enlightening and revealing course on this overwhelming condition called ‘depression’.”
Here is a link to the full course information and 50% price reduction: Depression, its true nature (general public).
2. Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code:
A comprehensive and detailed explanation of bipolar disorder.
Unlike the common understanding of bipolar disorder, in this course I explain the degree to which the prevailing medical understanding is correct, and I provide a comprehensive account of the emotional and psychological aspects (including trauma), aspects that are regularly overlooked within the prevailing approach to bipolar disorder.
Here is a link to the bipolar disorder course for the general public: Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code (general public).
Here are some testimonials from people who have undertaken this course:
Doug: “Since watching your Cracking the Code course on Bipolar disorder, I have been able twice to prevent episodes of manic psychosis. The short version is that I was able to recognize that I was using daydreaming/fantasy as an escape from (previously unidentified) anxiety that arose from trauma triggers. So instead of continuing to daydream/fantasize, I applied coping techniques for anxiety (e.g., What’s the worst possible thing that could realistically happen? Plan for that.) Thank you so much for your great, life-saving information!”
Joseph: “I am really enjoying your ‘Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code’ course”
Deirdre: “I am enjoying the course. It is making a lot of sense and helping me to understand things better. I look forward to tuning in for future presentations.”
Antoinette: “Thank you Terry this is a wonderful resource.”
John:“The information and continuing revelations are a blessing.”
Here is a link to the bipolar disorder course for the general public: Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code (general public).
Courses for mental health professionals:
1. Working Therapeutically With Clients With A psychiatric Diagnosis:
Currently over 17 hours of audio-visual material, more added several times a month.
There is a considerable amount of misinformation surrounding the psychiatric diagnoses within the training of non-medical mental health professionals. This misinformation is corrected within this course. A comprehensive understanding of the main psychiatric diagnoses – incorporating trauma and the emotional and psychological aspects.
Here is a link to the full course information and 50% price reduction: Working Therapeutically With Clients With A Psychiatric Diagnosis (for mental health professionals)
CPD applies.
Certificates of Attendance/Completion issued when required.
Here are some testimonials from mental health professionals who have undertaken this course:
Deborah: “I have found the course very useful and informative. It has given me ideas on how I work with clients, although I have over the last few years I have come to my own understanding of how trauma and challenge in people lives thwarts a healthy sense of self and emotional awareness and regulation. I have long since moved away from the medical model and prefer to support people in their humanity’. Your course has highlighted and reinforced this to me and to be more aligned with my views even though these often go against mainstream opinion including some of those in the mental health professions. Thank you.”
Swee Eng: “The information given is so helpful”.
Margaret: “I am learning so much from your course, thank you. So much of what you are saying I have thought but dismissed as lack of knowledge on my part. I am overwhelmed and shaking from what I have learned, and thirty years in the dark. I now see a chink of light.”
Maria: “This is a very interesting case study” (in relation to one of the many case studies included in this course).
Wanda: “The importance of agency and self-efficacy makes me think of a young client I work with who is v low on both and v depressed. I would love to see an integrated set of services for young people whereby they are assisted in developing their talents or capacity “to do” (manage life) in addition to therapy”.
Margaret: “Thank you for your valuable presentations and research Terry”.
Here is a link to the full course information and 50% price reduction: Working Therapeutically With Clients With A Psychiatric Diagnosis (for mental health professionals)
2. Depression: Its True Nature (for mental health professionals)
A comprehensive course on depression for mental health professionals. CPD applies. Over 17 hours of audio-visual material, plus the slides used in the presentations.
Here is a link to the information on this course and the 50% price reduction: Depression: Its True Nature (for mental health professionals)
Here are some testimonials by mental health professionals who have undertaken this course:
“A ground-breaking new course for all mental health professionals” – Lucy Johnstone, UK clinical psychologist, author and trainer, September 2016, stated in a tweet, @Clinpsychlucy
Robert: “Thanks Terry very insightful and I look forward to revisiting and reflecting over the material in months ahead”.
Yi Ling (Singapore): “Thanks Dr. Lynch. You made the learning easy and the references were very helpful. I have learnt so much and I look forward to other courses.”
Evelyn: “Very informative course and as a psychotherapist, invaluable insight”.
Julie: “I very much enjoyed the course on Depression. For me I found the last sections on Wounding etc very helpful. It has given me an added dimension of understanding and also confidence. I found as I was listening to you speaking I could apply it to certain Clients which has been so helpful. Definitely had some “a ha!” moments! So I just wanted to give you that feedback and thank you for putting together such a comprehensive course on a subject that is so misunderstood. A course like this has been badly needed I feel.”
Thomas: “I just finished the depression course and want to congratulate you on the course, content and delivery. I enjoyed every minute of it and it has been most thought provoking”.
Carole: “Highly recommended course. Transformational and worth every cent. Looking forward to the next one!“
Claire: “. Your work is a massive achievement, a revelation and has personally validated my personal experience of mental emotional distress in the past and provides massive hope for the future and my career”.
Anne: “I finished the ‘True Nature of Depression’ course this evening. To be honest I did not want it to end. I don’t think anything I can say could properly do justice to the mind-boggling breadth of area you cover in the three sections. As someone who has been involved in education for most of my own career I have never come across a better designed course to get across so successfully, such a potentially complex subject.
The truth about the prevailing view that you encapsulate so powerfully is actually quite devastating so it has been greatly appreciated that it is delivered with such true warmth in your face to face delivery.
Thank you so very much for it all.
I do want to go over certain parts again and that is a great thing that I can do that. There is a great deal for me to reflect on both professionally and personally re my own mental health situation in view of what you present.”
Nicole: “Insightful and thought-provoking”.
Kathy: “I finished your course Depression, its true nature about a week ago. I have never come across such a course before and found it excellent. You challenge the prevailing viewpoint repeatedly but always backed up by rigorous and thorough research. You tell the truth but do so in a courageous, respectful and dignified manner. Most of all, you offer real HOPE of recovery to those in mental distress. I respect and admire your work very much and am very glad to know you. I will recommend you (and have already) to anyone interested and open to alternative viewpoints of mental health states”.
Andrew: “A highly worthwhile undertaking! – Thank you very much Terry for an intriguing and insightful course backed up by solid evidence. A huge amount of work obviously went into compiling the course, backed by immense knowledge and experience, and I would recommend it to anyone who is open minded enough to begin to question the medical orthodoxies around depression.”
Anne: “I knew from your previous work that this course would be good but to say it has exceeded any expectations I had is a serious understatement.”
Valerie: ” A highly impressive course”.
Donal: “Terry, I am really enjoying the course. Full of detail and brave argument. As I complete each section there is a sense that no stone is left unturned.”
Patrick: “I’m learning a lot from this course.”
Alastair: “Course is highly interesting”.
Mark: “This was a very comprehensive course, thank you”.
Here is a link to the information on this course and the 50% price reduction: Depression: Its True Nature (for mental health professionals)
3. Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code:
A comprehensive course on bipolar disorder for mental health professionals. CPD applies. Over 11 hours of audio-visual material, plus the slides used in the presentations. More material added regularly.
Here is a link to the information on this course and the 50% prices reduction: Bipolar Disorder: Cracking The Code (for mental health professionals)
Here are some testimonials from people who have undertaken this course:
Alastair: “I enjoyed the course immensely. It is a most refreshing mixture of neglected common sense coupled with wisdom. Thank you very much indeed.”
Valerie: “Wow! The course you provided on bi polar was absolutely awesome. It’s really opened my eyes.’
Chris: “Many thanks for providing such an interesting and helpful course. I have found your meticulous unpacking of received medical ideas extremely useful as also your provision of a very important and enjoyable psychological alternative approach.”
Rebecca: “I found your course very thought provocative and useful”.
Serena: “Loved it. Thank you. What I also love about the course is being able to go over aspects of the course again, whenever I want”.
Anne: “Thank you so very much for producing this course. It is hard to put into words how incredibly useful all your presentations were. You have finally made sense of what bipolar disorder is in a world that has no idea. The title is very apt.”
Claire: “This course is by far the most useful thing I have ever encountered about bipolar disorder in over twenty years.”
Mark: “I am really enjoying your ‘Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code’ course”.
Patricia: “This course is excellent, and I’m finding it both interesting and inspiring”.
Maureen: “A very interesting course”.
Here is a link to the information on this course and the 50% prices reduction: Bipolar Disorder: Cracking The Code (for mental health professionals)
If you have any questions about any of this, email me at terry@doctorterrylynch.com (copy and paste this email address if emailing me).