Tag Archives: Dr. William Glasser

Just Published – First book in new series – ‘The Systematic Corruption of Global Mental Health’. £0.99 Kindle introductory price

I am delighted to announce that I have just – within the last 24 hours – published on Kindle the first of a new series of books.

Book title:

‘The Systematic Corruption of Global Mental Health: Book One – Prescribed Drug Dependence’


Introductory price on Kindle: £0.99.

Book rankings on Amazon:

This morning (02 August 2018) as I write this, a little over 12 hours after becoming available to the public, this book is ranked on Amazon.co.uk at no. 2 in ‘Psychiatry’ category, no. 5 in ‘Medicine’ category and no. 11 in ‘Medical Sciences A-Z’ category. 

On Amazon.com.au (Australia) it is currently ranked no. 1 in ‘Mental Health’ category, no. 2 in ‘Psychiatry’ category, and no. 8 in ‘Medicine and Nursing’ category. 


Below are links to this book on Amazon sites:





Reviews matter

If you do purchase this book, I would be very grateful of you would write a review on Amazon – a sentence or two is enough.

Book Series Title:

The title of this book series is ‘The Systematic Corruption of Global Mental Health’.

I will be working hard on this important project. 

If you have any comments, I’m happy to hear them. You can email me at terry@doctorterrylynch.com 



Dr. Terry Lynch, Keynote Speaker, Wm Glasser Institute of Ireland Annual Conference, Sat 24th October

I am delighted to be the keynote speaker at the William Glasser Institute of Ireland (WGII) Annual Conference this Saturday October 24th 2015 at St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin.

I greatly value my relationship with the William Glasser Institute in Ireland and internationally.

This relationship extends over te past 15 years. It began when Brian Lennon sent American psychiatrist William Glasser a copy of my first book Beyond Prozac: Healing Mental Distress. Bill loved the book, and he asked me to write the foreword to his book Warning: Psychiatry can be Hazardous to your Mental Health.

In 2014 and 2015 I participated in the William Glasser Institute’s excellent 24 hour Mental Health and Happiness Summit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRicefwgAc8

I have heard it said that during his more than 50 years as a psychiatrist, Bill Glasser never prescribed psychiatric drugs. Instead, he devoted his life to empowering people and alleviating pain and distress. He is the creator of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy.

Sadly Bill Glasser died in 2013, age 88 years.

The William Glasser Institute continues to honour his legacy in Ireland and Internationally.

Dealing with reality and the fact that we are all choice-makers are two core themes of Bill Glasser’s legacy.

I have spoken previously at the WGII annual conference and I am very happy to do so again.

Here is a link to details of the conference this Saturday – http://www.wgii.ie/

Mental Health & Happiness Summit: all day today

Every year for the past few years, the William Glasser Institute hold a Mental Health & Happiness Summit on World Mental Health Day, 10th October. This summit consists of a series of hour-long talks and conversations with people in the mental health sphere. The talks occur consecutively throughout the 24-hour period of World Mental Health Day.

Here is a link to the list of speakers and times, including time zone differences. http://www.mentalhealthandhappiness.com/MHHsummit2015-speakers.html

I’ve had a long association with late US psychiatrist William Glasser and the William Glasser Institute. I have been involved in the Mental health & Happiness Summit in 2014 and again in 2015.  My conversation with Nancy Buck was wide-ranging, covering many aspects of emotional and mental health, psychiatric diagnoses, recovery, and happiness.

I believe the system works by clicking the image of the speaker you might like to hear, at the time of that talk. Clicking the speaker before or after that speaker’s appointed time won’t bring you to their talk, as another speaker will be talking at other times.

It is fitting that William Glasser’s wife Carleen is the first speaker.