Tag Archives: Dr. Mike Watts

“Paths to recovery” – Mental health discussion and Q & A session with Dr. Terry Lynch, Brian McNulty and Dr. Mike Watts: 7-9 pm Monday 5th Oct 2015, at Limerick Institute of Technology campus, Moylish, Limerick.

I am looking forward to this evening of discussion about mental health, part of Limerick Mental Health Awareness Week. I believe that this will be informal evening of discussion.

Brian McNulty is the author of “Embracing Sanity – One Man’s Footsteps: A Memoir”. In this book, Brian recounts his story. Brian is now off all prescription medication for six years, prescribed for bipolar disorder, a psychiatric diagnoses that psychiatrists insist needs medication for life. Brian is living proof of the inaccuracy of the mainstream medical position on this, as are many others I know and have worked with over the past 20 years.

I have known Mike Watts for over 15 years, and I am delighted that Mike will be involved in this discussion. Mike has been a great mental health campaigner in Ireland for several decades. I believe that Mike recently received a Doctorate (PhD), and that his thesis was on the topic of Recovery.

In the mental health sphere, I wear a number of hats – author, mental health activist, physician, psychotherapist. To date I am the author of 3 books on mental health, “Depression Delusion Volume One: The Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance” (September 2015), “Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems” (2011) and “Beyond Prozac: Healing Mental Distress” (2001 + 2005 [2004 in UK]). The first draft of my next book, working title “Depression: Its true nature” is already written, estimated publication date April 2016.

I take my role and responsibility as a mental health activist (and whistle-blower) for much-needed change very seriously.

So it should be a good night.

Well done to all involved in the Limerick Mental Health Awareness week. They have done great work in organising a week full of events. Here is a link to the week’s events in Limerick. https://www.facebook.com/LimerickMentalHealthAwareness/photos/pb.103569396467021.-2207520000.1443416616./523063881184235/?type=3&theater