How we talk to ourselves really matters
Many of us slip into habits regarding our ongoing inner conversation – how we talk to ourselves.
If our inner conversation is predominantly self-critical, self-judging, putting ourselves down all the time, then changing how we see and talk to ourselves is a helpful step. If this is you, then I strongly recommend that you commit to changing how you talk to and relate to yourself.
Download my “Selfhood Affirmations”
– taken directly from my book Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems – and employ them as I suggest within the download.
This Selfhood Affirmations download contains two and a half pages of affirmations, affirmations that I carefully constructed over several months as I was writing Selfhood.
Another way to use affirmations is to record them, in your own voice, and listen back to the affirmations.
REMEMBER: You don’t gave to believe the contents of the affirmations for them to work.
Persistence is key! Make the changes I suggest, make them part of your day, your life.