I am happy to announce that my latest online pre-recorded mental health course, “Depression: A Trauma-informed Psychology” is now available. You can access this course and full course information – and my other mental health courses – on my website by clicking here. This course is primarily for mental health professionals – for example, […]
I am pleased to say that I am launching a new online course on depression in 2020, entitled Understanding and Recovering from Depression. While this course is primarily for people who struggle with depression, mental health professionals will likely find the material insightful and useful in their work with people struggling with depression, as will people […]
Depression is well established within the public mind as a reality Depression is now well established within the public lexicon and the public mind as a reality, a real thing. A Google search for depression yields over a billion results. More than one million Google searches for depression are carried out each month. Articles on […]
The high public trust in the medical profession carries risks In surveys, the medical profession is consistently in the top 5 most trusted professions. Most people instinctively trust doctors, with good reason. It is nevertheless important for the public and the media to maintain a critical and questioning approach to information conveyed by the […]
Psychological factors in depression merit greater attention Depression has become widely understood as a primarily biological medical condition. Yet, the majority of the nine depression criteria have strong emotional and psychological aspects. This is pretty obvious when one considers these nine criteria: A diagnosis of depression is considered appropriate when five of these nine criteria […]
About Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Traditionally, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving falls annually on the fourth Thursday in November, and the following day has become widely known as Black Friday. Being the first day after the last major American holiday before Christmas, Black Friday has unofficially become known as the unofficial […]
(NB: This article cannot be seen as giving specific medical advice to any individual.This article should not be taken as advising any person to make any change in their psychiatric medication.) For three decades, it has been clear to me that governments and the public alike have made – and continue to make – a […]
29th August 2018: The world of mental health is regrettably characterised by the assertion of ‘facts’ by supposedly authoritative sources, many of which are unfounded and unverified scientifically. The result is the mass misinformation of an unsuspecting public who assume that the words of supposed mental health experts are accurate and trustworthy. I originally wrote […]
Updating all courses and creating more: I began creating mental health courses for the general public and for mental health professionals in 2016. To date, I have created five detailed and comprehensive courses. My intentions in creating these courses are: 1. To provide a clear picture of the current prevailing approach to the psychiatric diagnoses […]
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