Link Name | Link Description | Antidepressant withdrawal | James Moore found it extremely difficult to come off antidepressants. Shocked at the abysmal level of acceptance of the existence of withdrawal problems from antidepressants and support services for people going through such difficult experiences, James set up an awareness campaign, and followed this up with a weekly podcast series entitled "Let's Talk Withdrawal". James has published podcasts with both mental health experts and people who found themselves immersed in the struggles of trying to off these substances. Among many other people, James created podcasts with myself; psychiatrists Peter Breggin and David Healy; psychologists Lucy Johnstone and John Read; physician Peter Gotzche;, and author Robert Whitaker. | Brenda Flannery | Brenda Flannery, Salthill, Galway, Ireland I have known Brenda for many years and I would highly recommend her. Practitioner: of Music, Mindfulness, Meditation, Qi Gong, Ogham Tree Essences, Bach Flower Essences, Colour Therapy. Author: Roots Go Deep Book Brenda is a piano teacher and founder of the Beo Ceol Music School; founder of Beo & Be... Mindfulness, Qi Gong Movement & Ogham Tree Essences community wellbeing classes. Classes are ongoing in health centres such Devon Holistic Health Clinic, Salthill. Beo Ceol Music School This is a unique, therapeutic approach to learning music. It is highly beneficial for mental health. Learning methods help nourish and calm the nervous system, through learning to play the piano. The learning methods are designed to be fun and light hearted. It’s about self-expression, creativity and nurturing the journey of inner harmony. Beo Ceol brings music alive, from the inside out, there is a musician in all of us! Mindfulness, Qi Gong & Ogham Tree Essences Classes. These classes are designed to nurture calm, awareness and vitality. It is beneficial for spiritual, physical and mental health. Qi Gong is an ancient movement practice. It is the healing practice which Tai Chi originated from. Mindfulness is the practice of living within the present moment. | | Recovering from psychiatry is an excellent site, created by Laura Delano, who carved out her own recovery journey. She made a full recovery, having been given a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. She recovered full in spite of - rather than because of - the doctors (including psychiatrists) she had attended. | Scott Inside Out, Mental Wellness | Scott Walker has made a full recovery from a legitimate diagnosis of bipolar disorder type 1. By 'legitimate I mean that Scott's experiences and behaviours met the medical criteria for this diagnosis. Scott had four admissions to psychiatric wards in relation to this diagnosis. He took lithium for seven years of his life. Scott has made a full recovery. Other than an occasional sleeping tablet, he has not needed any psychiatric medication since 2010. |
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