Home Courses


I have been creating mental health courses since September 2016.

My intention is to pass on the learnings that I have accumulated through 35 years as a medical doctor, 21 years as a psychotherapist, a best-selling mental health author, and 25 years as an advocate for mental health reform.

I have just (mid-November 2024) published a new online course, entitled “Understanding and Addressing Rumination“. This course is for both members of the public and mental health professionals.

Here are seven testimonials that I received within a week of launching the course. Three of these are from therapists:

  1. “Hi Terry, the course is very interesting and useful. I love the way you give a succinct description of what rumination is followed by strategies that can be introduced in everyday life. I have shared them with my family, one of whom commented on how they appreciated your proactive approach to giving strategies that can be used in a step by step approach. We are lucky to be able to benefit from your vast experience and learning as well as your kindness towards all. I look forward to continuing to learn from you. Warm wishes to you, Andrea.”
  2.  “Dear Dr Lynch, I LOVE your course. I am so delighted to see that you continue your work, continuing to push against myths and to elevate helpful information. Thank you for your commitment to mental health and to the individuals who struggle. You are making a true difference. I am even getting up from my computer to practice being present…..It’s so helpful. The course was clear, focused and practical. You are an excellent teacher. All my best, Rachel.”                                                                                                                                             
  3. “Dear Terry, thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences and insightfulness in developing this course on rumination. I especially liked the mindfulness application to interrupt the rumination process which is efficient and effective. I look forward to receiving more insights on mental health care in the future”
  4. “Hi Terry, I enjoyed this course. It is really helpful to be able to go through the course again, a second time as there is so much information to reflect on. I found it really helpful for me personally and hopefully others that I work with. I noticed a lot of Choice Theory throughout. Dr.Glasser’s conflicting pictures in Quality World. Great to have mindfulness integrated into this course. I have passed the course information on also. I will definitely be mentioning your courses to my group. Really looking forward to your next course. Warmest Regards, Paulette.
  5.  “The course was excellent.  Succinct  and  applicable. Margaret.”
  6. “Hi Terry, I just wanted to send you a short email to thank you for the rumination course, which I’ve just completed. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I am looking forward to going back over my notes and absorbing the information further. I particularly appreciated the structure of the notes themselves, the formatting, the ‘arrows’ and definitions; I found them easy to follow. I’m looking forward to the next course and I’m certainly going to view the few videos you sent on.” Eleanor.
  7. “Hello Terry, I have completed your course “Understanding and Addressing Rumination” just now. I found your course a useful tool to add to my list of readings and online training programmes I often recommend to my clients and colleagues.  The language and information provided is simplistic and to the point, thus making it ideal for clients to absorb into their daily thinking and living. I will also incorporate some of the language into my own work with clients, again, keeping the sole focus on understanding rumination and offering very simple, but important strategies to help a person take control, making a choice in not being held prisoner to rumination.  Being able to better explain to clients that they always hold the key to exiting this state of mind; your course offers a very important key to the client in this regard.” Michael.

A Certificate of Completion will be provided upon completion of the course, which is the equivalent of 2 CPD points.

For full course information, click here



Depression: A Trauma-Informed Psychology

Published early in 2024, this course encompasses: 1. the prevailing/dominant understanding of depression; 2. a critique of this prevailing understanding of depression; and 3. A trauma- and psychologically-informed understanding of the experiences and behaviours that come to be described as “depression”.

To access the course and detailed course content information, click here: Depression: A Trauma-informed Psychology

CPD hours/points: 15.

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and the accompanying quizzes.

Course price: 99 Euro, equivalent in other currencies.

To access the course and further information, click here: Depression: A Major Course

Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

To access course and course information: Click this link:- Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

Published in May 2024, this course consists of (1) pre-recorded videos; (2) the slides created for these videos; and (3) a brief quiz at the end of each module, for completion/CPD purposes.

This is a detailed course, addressing 1. What bipolar is generally stated and understood to be; 2. A critique of this prevailing view; 3. A trauma- and psychologically-informed understanding of the experiences and behaviours that come to be diagnosed as bipolar disorder.

CPD: 15 hours

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and accompanying quizzes.

Course price: Euro 99, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click this link:- Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

Trauma and the Wounded Self

I created this course in 2023.

The frequency and role of trauma within mental health continues to be underestimated. In this course, I discuss this underestimation and the reasons for it. The proper place of trauma is discussed, including one of the most consistent effects of trauma – wounding of the Self.

To access course and course information: Click Trauma and the Wounded Self

CPD hours/points: 3.

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and the accompanying quizzes.

Course price: 39 Euro, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click Trauma and the Wounded Self


Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

I created this course in 2023.

To access this course and course information: Click Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

This course sets out a psychological understanding of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. A module on working with such clients is included.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the term that is used to describe a series of experiences and behaviours. Some of these experiences are specific to this descriptive term. Others are common to many other mental health situations.

Most prominent among these experiences and behaviours is the development of the conviction that part or parts of one’s body is/are seriously deformed, ugly, hideous.

CPD hours/points: 4

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and the accompanying quizzes.

Course price: Euro 36 or equivalent in other currencies.

To access this course and course information: Click Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder



Understanding and Recovering from Depression.

My 2020 online course, in which I provide a comprehensive and insightful understanding of depression. I also set out a range of tools and actions people can take towards recovery.

Click here for information and testimonials about this course.

Depression: Its True Nature.

An online course designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of what depression is.    Click here for course details.

Bipolar disorder: Cracking the code.

An online course, created to provide a deep understanding of what bipolar disorder is and practical ways of improving one’s emotional and mental being and one’s life. Click here for full course information.



Depression: Its True Nature.

An online course on depression for mental health professionals. 17 continuing professional development (CPD) hours. Click here for course information.

Working Therapeutically with Clients with a Psychiatric Diagnosis.

An online course for mental professionals.

Click here to access course information, or contact me here.

Bipolar disorder: Cracking the Code.

An online course on bipolar disorder for mental health professionals. Over 11 hours CPD material within the course.  Click here  for course information.


Future Courses:

In the near future I will also create courses on anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, suicide, and other important aspects of mental health that are generally misunderstood.

I will also be creating courses on emotional and mental well-being.


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