After much thought, I have decided to create a series of courses in mental health.
In essence, my partner psychotherapist Marianne Murphy and I are creating a mental health school, a Mental Health Academy. Marianne and I will work together to create and deliver these courses.
This Academy will be designed for online participation. Our courses will be available online. We will also be running courses at various venues.
These courses will cover a wide range of topics. In these courses we will set out a comprehensive understanding of psychiatric diagnoses like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD, eating disorders and personality disorders. We will also address anxiety, suicide, self-esteem and many other emotional and mental health issues.
These courses will address a glaring gap in understanding of and training in mental health – the gap in understanding of the emotional and psychological aspects of mental health, including the range psychiatric diagnoses.
A clear understanding of the medical approach to these diagnoses will also be a core part of these courses.
These course will reflect what I have learned through 30 years of involvement in mental health.
I have reflected upon I have learned during 30 years as a medical doctor; 15 years as a psychotherapist; 9 years on Irish Government-appointed high-level mental health groups,
including 3 years (2003-6) on the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy which formulated “A Vision for Change”, Ireland’s official mental health policy document; 25 years researching emotional and mental health, including psychiatric diagnoses; 15 years providing a recovery-oriented mental health service; 3 decades of seeking to deepen my understanding of emotional and mental health; 3 books on mental health including 1 best-seller, many more to come; 3 decades of working with people in great distress and learning from every one; twenty years of connection with some of the most inspiring people in mental health globally; and what I have experienced and learned in my own journey through the twists and turns of my life.
And from this breadth of knowledge and experience, these courses will be created.
Our courses will be specially constructed for different audiences including therapists and other mental health professionals, people who have received a psychiatric diagnosis, and other interested people including family members and others who for their own reasons wish to increase their understanding of emotional and mental health and psychiatric diagnoses.
We are currently working on our first course, working title “Depression training for people who work in mental health”.
This course will help those who work in either a professional or voluntary capacity (including trainees) with people diagnosed with depression to understand depression more deeply and to respond more effectively and with greater confidence.
I expect this course to be available in about 3 months or less. Further courses will be created on an ongoing basis.
Marianne and I are very excited about this new development. I envisage the development and delivery of these courses becoming a core part of my work into the future.
We will update people on the progress of these courses through our newsletter. If you have not already done so, I invite you to subscribe to our newsletter at
When you subscribe to our newsletter, you will also receive two free chapters of my books:
One chapter from Selfhood: A Key to the Recovery of Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and the Prevention of Mental Health Problems, 2011, chapter title: “Boundaries and personal space”.
One chapter from my latest book Depression Delusion Volume One: The Myth of the Brain Chemical Imbalance, 2015, chapter title: “The medical profession and the brain”.
Our intention is to create comprehensive courses in which the needs of participants will be addressed.
If you have ideas regarding what you would like these courses to cover, please feel free to contact me and let me know, at .
While we will endeavour to cover all bases, we would love to hear your ideas, just to ensure we don’t leave out any important material.
Please share this information with anyone you think would like to know about it.
Best wishes,