Mental Health Academy


Hi, I’m Terry Lynch, I am a mental health specialist. I am

In mid-November 2024, I published a new online course, entitled “Understanding and Addressing Rumination“. This course is for both members of the public and mental health professionals.

Here are seven testimonials that I received within a week of launching the course. Three of these are from therapists:

  1. “Hi Terry, the course is very interesting and useful. I love the way you give a succinct description of what rumination is followed by strategies that can be introduced in everyday life. I have shared them with my family, one of whom commented on how they appreciated your proactive approach to giving strategies that can be used in a step by step approach. We are lucky to be able to benefit from your vast experience and learning as well as your kindness towards all. I look forward to continuing to learn from you. Warm wishes to you, Andrea.”
  2.  “Dear Dr Lynch, I LOVE your course. I am so delighted to see that you continue your work, continuing to push against myths and to elevate helpful information. Thank you for your commitment to mental health and to the individuals who struggle. You are making a true difference. I am even getting up from my computer to practice being present…..It’s so helpful. The course was clear, focused and practical. You are an excellent teacher. All my best, Rachel.”                                                                                                                                               
  3. “Dear Terry, thank you for sharing your thoughts, experiences and insightfulness in developing this course on rumination. I especially liked the mindfulness application to interrupt the rumination process which is efficient and effective. I look forward to receiving more insights on mental health care in the future”
  4. “Hi Terry, I enjoyed this course. It is really helpful to be able to go through the course again, a second time as there is so much information to reflect on. I found it really helpful for me personally and hopefully others that I work with. I noticed a lot of Choice Theory throughout. Dr.Glasser’s conflicting pictures in Quality World. Great to have mindfulness integrated into this course. I have passed the course information on also. I will definitely be mentioning your courses to my group. Really looking forward to your next course. Warmest Regards, Paulette.
  5.  “The course was excellent.  Succinct  and  applicable. Margaret.”
  6. “Hi Terry, I just wanted to send you a short email to thank you for the rumination course, which I’ve just completed. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I am looking forward to going back over my notes and absorbing the information further. I particularly appreciated the structure of the notes themselves, the formatting, the ‘arrows’ and definitions; I found them easy to follow. I’m looking forward to the next course and I’m certainly going to view the few videos you sent on.” Eleanor.
  7. “Hello Terry, I have completed your course “Understanding and Addressing Rumination” just now. I found your course a useful tool to add to my list of readings and online training programmes I often recommend to my clients and colleagues.  The language and information provided is simplistic and to the point, thus making it ideal for clients to absorb into their daily thinking and living. I will also incorporate some of the language into my own work with clients, again, keeping the sole focus on understanding rumination and offering very simple, but important strategies to help a person take control, making a choice in not being held prisoner to rumination.  Being able to better explain to clients that they always hold the key to exiting this state of mind; your course offers a very important key to the client in this regard.” Michael.

A Certificate of Completion will be provided upon completion of the course, which is the equivalent of 2 CPD points.

For full course information, click here

Described as a “pioneer” by prominent British psychologist Lucy Johnstone – co-author of the Power Threat Meaning Framework, published by the British Psychological Society – Terry has repeatedly called for a fundamental reappraisal of global mental health.


* Counselling/psychotherapy availability:

In August 2022 I was reaccredited as a psychotherapist with my professional association, the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP).

This reaccreditation applies for five years, i.e. until August 2027.


* CPD courses for therapists/psychologists:

My most current courses for psychotherapists/counsellors/psychologists/mental health professionals are:

Depression: A Trauma-Informed Psychology (formerly titled Depression: A Major Course) – for mental health professionals

To access course and detailed course information: Click Depression: A Trauma-informed Psychology

Course consists of (1) pre-recorded videos; (2) the slides created for these videos; and (3) a brief quiz at the end of each module, for completion/CPD purposes.

This is a detailed course, addressing 1. What depression is generally stated to be; 2. A critique of this; 3. A trauma- and psychologically-informed understanding of the experiences and behaviours that come to be diagnosed as depression.

CPD: 15 hours.

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and accompanying quizzes.

Course price: Euro 99, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click this link Depression: A Trauma-informed Psychology

2. Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

To access course and course information: Click this link:- Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

Course consists of (1) pre-recorded videos; (2) the slides created for these videos; and (3) a brief quiz at the end of each module, for completion/CPD purposes.

This is a detailed course, addressing 1. What bipolar is generally stated and understood to be; 2. A critique of this prevailing view; 3. A trauma- and psychologically-informed understanding of the experiences and behaviours that come to be diagnosed as bipolar disorder.

CPD: 15 hours

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and accompanying quizzes.

Course price: Euro 99, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click this link:- Bipolar Disorder: A Trauma-informed Psychology

3: Trauma and the Wounded Self

To access course and course information: Click Trauma and the Wounded Self

CPD: 3 hours.

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and the accompanying quizzes.

Course price: 39 Euro, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click Trauma and the Wounded Self


4: Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

To access course and course information: Click Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

CPD: 4 hours.

CPD Cert: Issued upon completion of the course material and the accompanying quizzes.

Course price: 36 Euro, equivalent in other currencies.

To access course and course information: Click Making Sense of Body Dysmorphic Disorder


These courses can also be accessed on the Therapy Academy website at – the online resource for therapists to take CPD courses and further their expertise.

On their home page, scroll down to “Online Workshops” to access my – and other – online workshops.


* My 2020 online course, “Understanding and Recovering from Depression”

For information about my new online course, Understanding and Recovering from Depression, click here.


Some of my official appointments


General testimonials about me and my work: click here


Testimonials about my courses for mental health professionals:


Recent and upcoming speaking engagements

My next speaking engagement is on Tuesday, November 20th 2018, 8 pm, the Connaught Hotel, Dublin Rd., Galway, on depression, and counselling for depression. Here is a screenshot from the Galway FM website:


My last speaking engagements were as a Guest Speaker at the Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) on October 20th 2018, and a talk on depression run by ProConsult Counselling, in Galway, also in October 2018.

Some of the talks I have given over the years:

Click here for a list of my recent and upcoming speaking engagements.


Mental health courses discounted for a limited period

My online Working Therapeutically With Clients With A Psychiatric Diagnosis course – click here to access course information and 30% discount for a limited period.

For information on my other mental health courses, click here.

About the Dr. Terry Lynch Mental Health Academy:

I have created the Dr. Terry Lynch Mental Health Academy so that I can share my understandings of and approach to emotional and mental health – including the psychiatric diagnoses – with a wider audience than the limited numbers of people I can work with face to face.





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Dr. Terry Lynch

Author, mental health activist, physician and psychotherapist, for nine years Terry Lynch served on mental health groups appointed by the Irish government.

Terry Lynch has been described by British psychologist Lucy Johnstone as a “pioneer”, by Irish psychiatrists Professor Ivor Browne as “enlightened”, and Dr. Pat Bracken as “a true scientist”.

Through his courses, talks, books and other writings, he contributes to setting out the true nature of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder.

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